Henry Reyes 622-2608
We offer a comprehensive commercial and residential real estate services. We do professional transaction, financial and advisory management services. We design our methodologies to best serve our clients by enhancing our client servicing and the delivery
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About Henry Reyes

Henry Reyes
Title/Designation: General Manager
Direct: 622-2608
Web: rodry.ph

When it comes to reliable investments, real estate investing is among the guaranteed investments that promises a lifetime of fulfilment and certainty. But the rewards go far beyond owning the property itself. In every real estate investment opportunity you take, you reward your institution with increased productivity, growth and most of all, stability. At Rodry Properties [Rodry.ph], we are keen on studying real estate investment business models and matching each need with a large pool of pre-qualified properties. We go far beyond facilitating transactions by developing a framework dedicated on maximizing our knowledge on the properties we offer.

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